
A collaborative art community for artists.

This tablet-based application construct a community that encourages artists to collaborate and communicate with each other. On this platform, Artists will do collaborative art with each other based on their shared interests. Artists are able to express themselves, gain positive feedback on their art work, and build connection with others through this application.
Individual work
User Experience User Research
UI Design
Usability Testing
Information Architecture

The big idea:

Collaborative Art

Collaborative art is an art form that involves multiple artists to cocreate together.

"The potential of community-based, participatory art to fulfill not only art’s creative potential to beautify communal space and rejuvenate the spirit, but also to forge meaningful collaboration within a community is what makes collaborative art transformative."
——The University of Chicago Press Journals


Why collaborative art?

Our users:


Foster social connection

Since most artists tend to be introverted. Collaborative art may enhance the communication with other artists and expand their social zone .

The crisis of hand-drawing

Under the trend of AI drawing, what is unique about hand-drawing is something worth thinking. Collaborative art can be one of the answers, because it provides the participants with a unique sense of engagement.

Encourage collaboration

Many artists are unwilling to collaborate with others, especially with strangers because they are afraid of meeting somebody with no shared topics or similar opnions.

Design Challenges

A fully-engaged drawing experience

Artists can either start a new collaborative artwork, or join an existed one created by others. In the canvas, artists can chat with each other, see others' dynamics, and check the history of this collaborative work.

A tightly-bonded friending system

In Artzone, there is a comprehensive friending function. Not only can artists add friends with others, they will also be notified about their friends' updates, and the current artwork their friends are working on.

An interest-oriented starting point

Artists can freely create a prompt as the topics of their canvas. Besides, they will tag their work so it will be easier for artists to find artwork they are interested in. In this way, artists will be potentially motivated to join more canvases.

The process behind..


  • Research
  • Interview & Persona
  • Competitive Analysis

Project Overview:

  • Design Challenge
  • Low Fedility
  • Style Guide

Design Details:

In order to choose the most fitting form of collaborative art for Artzone, I have researched three different genres and chose the wall art evantually. Because it will give artists a full freedom to express themselves, and also allows a more comprehensive collaboration between artists, leading to a better collaborating experience.

Synchronous art

An original draft will be divided into several parts and be finished by different artists.

Collage art

Artists paint their own pieces and collage together to create a final artwork.

Message wall art

Every artist paints freely on a blank canvas

Then I interviewed three artists who have joined collaborative art before, and made a persona based on the information.

The Insights

  • Most artists would like to make more artist friends with shared interests.
  • Most artists like to have positive feedbacks about art skills or compliments on their art pieces.
  • Most artists will enjoy having communication with others while creating artwork.
  • Most artists prefer to do collaborative art with the topic of their interests.
  • Most artists may encounter problems in a collaborative art project such as unconfidence and inefficient time.

Besides two collaborative art platform, Magma and Drawpile, I also chose a painting application, Procreate, and a social media, Instagram for the competitive analysis. These slection was made because Artzone includes painting function and some social functions as well.

The Prioritized Features

Then I sketched the basic pages and wireframes of the app. The main pages include home page, friends page, canvas and user profile

Artzone comes from the words 'art' and 'zone'. I hope to create an area where artists can come together to collaborate freely, fostering a vibrant environment for shared artistic expression and enjoyment.